Leslie Elder's warmth comes through in every painting. Her work reflects scenes from her travels and every day life. Her subject matter is diverse but her style is immediately recognizable. Leslie is a member of the Watercolor Society of Oregon. Her work has been successfully juried for numerous shows.
Leslie occasionally dips her brush into acrylics and oils. The results are always breath-taking. Come see Leslie's newest work built around the theme of LIGHT. As a member of ORA: Northwest Jewish Artists, Leslie will have her work on exhibit opening Thursday March 4th, 5:30 pm at Elements Gallery on 19th and Vaughn. Sip a glass of wine and drink in Leslie's art!
Jewish Arts Month organizers are especially grateful to Leslie for her beautiful poster created to advertise our first JAM Festival. Posters are suitable for framing and will be available for sale at the Pre Jam Slam and at several other JAM events for a most reasonable price.
The Pre-JAM Slam will be held Wednesday, February 24th at 7pm at the Mittleman Jewish Community Center. Admission is free and and EVERYONE is invited!
For calendar information go to : http://www.northwestjewishartists.org/JAMcalendar2010.html
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